Category: Master Knitter Level I

Master Knitter – Level IMaster Knitter – Level I

I have always wanted to tackle the Master Level Knitting certifications through The Knitting Guild Association. Until this year, I have always talked myself out of doing so, because I thought the time commitment would be too much – given everything else in my busy life.

There is a knitter in my local guild that has completed the Master Knitter Level 1 and is working on Master Knitter Level 2. She was generous enough to share her project binder and talk with me about the process. So, this year – I took the plunge! I signed up for Master Knitter, Level 1 and have received my instructions. It requires knitting 16 different swatches of various knitting techniques and stitches, answering 17 questions, completing 1 knitted project and writing a 2-page report on the care of knitwear. I have a year to complete and I think I will be able to get it done. Knowing that I have someone locally to ask questions is a big plus.

I knitted my first swatch last Sunday evening. It took a little longer than I anticipated because I did some extra swatching to find the right size needle for the yarn I will be using for all my swatches. One down, 15 to go – my goal is to do one swatch per week, and answer the questions that pertain to that swatch. Wish me luck.