Year: 2010

Happy New Year! Ending 2009 and Beginning 2010Happy New Year! Ending 2009 and Beginning 2010

Happy New Year, Everyone! It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? Many changes, many happenings. As always, some good, some okay, and some not so good. I am fortunate that most things that happened for me in 2009 were good. And I look forward to new beginnings in 2010.

2009 ended with the Christmas Blizzard of 2009 – where we received somewhere between 12 and 14 inches of snow along with high winds and drifting. This caused a number of changes to our traditional Christmas plans and meant going to plan B & C when it came to celebrating with family members. I’m sure it will be a Christmas we all remember – because, in spite of the weather, we managed to celebrate and share the holiday with family.

On December 28, my daughter and I embarked upon a cross-country road trip from Omaha to Boston. (That’s approximately 1500 miles, give or take a few.) We did this so she could take her new car back to Boston. We started out at 6:30 AM – and after being momentarily stuck in the snow just past our driveway, had clear roads all the way into Ohio – where we spent the night. We pushed to make it a distance of 846 miles (14 hours of driving with just a few short stops). I thought I’d get a lot of knitting done on this trip, but it didn’t happen.

The next morning, we hit the road at 6:30 AM. It was snowing lightly when we left, but we soon drove out of it and headed for Pennsylvania. Daughter was driving and about 30 minutes into Pennsylvania we came around curve and drove straight into white-out, blizzard conditions, with traffic moving cautiously at less than 40 mph. Luckily, conditions improved rapidly and by the time we reached the next exit, road was improved enough for us to continue our journey. After a coffee-break/potty break in Clearfield, PA, I took over driving and drove all the way to Danbury, CT, where we stopped to eat and change drivers. We made into Boston around 6:00 PM.

That’s an exhausting 2-day drive, to say the least. But we had each other’s company, saw some beautiful country and arrived safely at our destination. Plus, I had another day to enjoy with my daughter in Boston.

I flew home yesterday, dealing with a delay out of Boston that left me only 10 minutes to catch my connecting flight to Omaha. Fortunately, the airline held the flight so that all of us on the flight going to Omaha could make it. (Thank-you, Midwest Airlines). After arriving back in Omaha, DH and I went to see “Sherlock Holmes” at the local movie theater, then went home and I fixed a late supper, then crashed around 10:00 PM. We ended 2009 by sleeping through all the hoopla… 🙂

So we are now at the beginning of 2010. Today, I plan to finalize my 10 in 2010 list (Ravelry Group), relax and just enjoy a quiet day at home. Now where did I leave my knitting? ….